Eit evig Russland: Oleg Platonov, Institutt for russisk sivilisasjon og nasjonaliseringa av russisk tenking


  • Kåre Johan Mjør Centrum för Rysslandsstudier, Uppsala Universitet
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17585/nof.v30.441


This article discusses the Russian nationalist Oleg Platonov and his Institute for Russian Civilization, a project established for publishing both contemporary works and the classics of Russian intellectual history. Special attention is given to how Platonov, who is otherwise known for his extreme anti-Westernism and anti-Semitism, within the framework of this project actively disseminates not only his own idea of a unique and self-sufficient Russian civilization, but also numerous classics of Russian thought, in particular of the Slavophile current. Various Russian thinkers are presented here as the embodiment of “Russian national thought” and the expression of an alleged “ideology of the Russian people”. On the basis of this analysis, the article reviews Platonov’s contribution to contemporary Russian nationalism more generally and its tendency to make the marginal mainstream.



Published: June 2016



Citation: Kåre Johan Mjør (2016) «Eit evig Russland: Oleg Platonov, Institutt for russisk sivilisasjon og nasjonaliseringa av russisk tenking». Nordisk Østforum 30 [2] 98–117. http://dx.doi.org/10.17585/nof.v30.441


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Hvordan sitere

Mjør, K. J. (2016). Eit evig Russland: Oleg Platonov, Institutt for russisk sivilisasjon og nasjonaliseringa av russisk tenking. Nordisk Østforum, 30(2). https://doi.org/10.17585/nof.v30.441




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Russian Nationalism, Civilizational Theories, Russian philosophy, Anti-Semitism, Conspiracies, Reception