Rysslands konservativa vändning och den globala anti-genusrörelsen


  • Emil Edenborg Stockholms universitet, Sverige
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/noros.v36.3357


The amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation adoped after a 2020 referendum included a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. This is a recent manifestation of the turn to ‘traditional values’ in Russian politics and society, the best-known expression of which is the 2013 ban on ‘propaganda for non-traditional sexual orientation’. This development cannot be understood as solely reflecting ‘traditional’ attitudes of the Russian population, nor as a backlash against LGBTQ activism. The turn to ‘traditional values’ must be considered in the context of a global pattern of increased pro-family mobilization, which opposes LGBTQ rights, feminism and the alleged undermining of gender as biologically determined and strictly binary – described by researchers as ‘anti-gender mobilization’. Traditionalist politics in Russia should be analysed in a transnational and international perspective, but conservative mobilization is not a monolithic phenomenon. Using the concept of ‘discourse coalition’ developed by Maarten Hajer, I show how the identification of shared storylines enables a range of actors to act in similar ways, sometimes coordinating their actions, despite ideological, religious or strategic disagreements, on the domestic as well as the global arena.

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Emil Edenborg, Stockholms universitet, Sverige

Institutionen för etnologi, religionshistoria och genusvetenskap



Hvordan sitere

Edenborg, E. (2022). Rysslands konservativa vändning och den globala anti-genusrörelsen. Nordisk Østforum, 36, 26–45. https://doi.org/10.23865/noros.v36.3357




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Russia, traditional values, anti-gender mobilization, LGBTQ, discourse coalition