Språkpolitikk i Slovakia og Tsjekkia etter 1993


  • Karen Gammelgaard Universitetet i Oslo, Norge
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/noros.v36.3558


Abstract: Language policy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic after 1993
The establishment of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in 1993 sparked challenges for language policy in the two new states. From a linguistic point of view, the Czech and Slovak languages are very similar but the language situations in the two countries differ: Slovakia is home to two sizable linguistic minorities (Hungarian and Romani), whereas Czechia houses several small minority languages. Applying Robert L. Cooper’s and Joshua A. Fishman’s analytical categories and focusing on the activities of national politicians and prominent linguists, this article examines status and corpus planning in the two countries. In Slovakia, politicians have engaged intensely in status planning, focused on legislating Slovak as a state language. The establishment of a state language opened for political interference in corpus planning. In Czechia, status planning started out from a liberal platform in the 1990s, and interest mainly focused on corpus planning. Hotly debated questions of corpus planning put Czech linguistic authorities on the defensive. Increasingly, adaptations to the charters and conventions of the European Council have co-shaped both countries’ language policy. During the period analyzed here, Slovakia has seen the linguistic standardization of Rusyn and Romani, and linguists in both countries have advanced their theoretical understanding of corpus planning.

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Karen Gammelgaard, Universitetet i Oslo, Norge

Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk



Hvordan sitere

Gammelgaard, K. (2022). Språkpolitikk i Slovakia og Tsjekkia etter 1993. Nordisk Østforum, 36, 63–81. https://doi.org/10.23865/noros.v36.3558




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Czech, Slovak, language policy, status planning, corpus planning