Ryssland och historiens början


  • Geir Flikke Universitetet i Oslo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/noros.v34.2183


Abstract in English:
Russia and the Beginning of History
Morgan Olofsson's Russia and the Beginning of History consists of several interviews that the former Swedish news correspondent made with people he met in the 1990s. The purpose, he says, is to see how people have fared in the timespan from the 1990s to 2018, but also, more ambitiously, to sustain a dialogue between people on topics like the gradual dissemination of authoritarian political systems. Olofsson argues that we "need to learn from history" to protect democratic values; that is, values that connect people. The structure of the book is reminiscent of Mikhail Zygar's All the Kremlin's Men (2016), short annotated chapters, with introductions. The interviews stand out as sharp and perceptive, but the structure and editing of the book leaves more to be desired. 

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Hvordan sitere

Flikke, G. (2020). Ryssland och historiens början. Nordisk Østforum, 34, 15–17. https://doi.org/10.23865/noros.v34.2183




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Russia, journalism, inter-cultural dialogue